Sunday, November 23, 2008

Kendyl's New Hat


November 19 - Andrew moved up in Boy Scouts to a Tenderfoot. This was his first Court of Honor ceremony where tons of awards were handed out from the past few months. To accept his award, he had to light a candle, then pin his mom. It was so sweet. I even got a hug and kiss in front of everyone. Sorry the pictures are not so good, horrible lighting and holding a toddler! Kendyl loved clapping for all of the awards! Too cute.

Kitchen Fun

Last Sunday we brought up the play kitchen for Kendyl. She LOVES it. Mostly opening and closing everything, but as the week goes on, she is starting to pretend to eat/drink. Too cute. If you look above, she is standing and taking a few steps to the kitchen. We'll have a walker soon.

Card Tricks

In 5th grade Andrew learned how to hold weight only using cards or post-it notes. After a scout card activity, Andrew has been enjoying trying to hold people with only a deck of cards. Above is Andrew standing on his "platform".
It even held Tim!

And can hold both Andrew and Steven!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Congratulations Steven!

Steven received the Fabulous French Creek Citizen Award at school for the month of October!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Just a Monday Night

Damn blogger!! Why does it keep loading my images backward?!?!?
Anywho, the boys are doing homework (see next few pictures) and Kendyl is between the kitchen, dining room (homework) and playroom. I suddenly hear her on the stairs (again!) and I find the picture below. She is trying to walk down on her own, and doing a darn good job of it too!!!
She is also taking a few steps! She usually falls after 3-4, but we have had up to 6 steps. She's going to be a walker soon.

Yes, they are the Christmas reindeer in the back. Tim has already started to get the decorations ready. He is totally insane, but we love him!

An here is Kendyl with her horse!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Morning After!

Since the boys stayed at the last minute and I had almost no breakfast food, we decided it was a Dunkin Donuts morning! Tim ran to get them before he left to train new scout leaders and the kids and I had them after they finally woke up (or were attacked by Kendyl at 9!). Since donuts are a treat, I decided to let Kendyl have one. It only took 4 wipes to clean her up.

Trick or Treat

Here's our Little Pumpkin....finally in her costume. Why do they always make the hoods so big?!?!?

Here are the pumpkins the boys carved themselves. Andrew's is the Lego one (surprise, surprise) and Steven's is on the right.

Look at all the loot! As usual we did our neighborhood, then we hopped in the car and went over to Ridgelea (where the houses are close together, decorated so nicely). Basically they filled 2 pumpkins each.

And here is the trick or treating gang! After our marathon night of trick or treating, Nick and Tony stayed the night. They had a great time staying up late, watching TV and being young (yes, they got to sleep in!!!)