Kendyl's first official word!!! She has been saying it for about a week, but it keeps getting clearer and clearer. Ok - every animal is a "kitty ca" or "ca kitty", but still so cute! She also says Dada, Mama, and new this weekend are "oh dear" and "ut-oh". She babbles on and on, sounds like she will be a chatterbox.
The last 2 weeks have been huge for Kendyl. She is moving around the room by a 1/2 roll, 1/2 sitting motion that gets her where she wants to be. Thankfully slowly. She gets on her hands and knees and rocks, but doesn't move...until today. She took 2 crawling steps! And she can pull herself into the standing position quite easily (only started this about a week ago).
Looks like we will have a mobile little girl any day now.