Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy 12th Birthday Andrew!!!!!!!!!!!!

My first baby is 12 today. Oh my...where does the time go? I can remember my pregnancy and labor with him like it was yesterday, and here he is, almost a teenager. I am happy to say, I am proud of the person he is, and he seems to be becoming. He has a good head on his shoulders and he is so much fun to talk to and be with.
He had a party with his friends last night. I really didn't want to do a party this year, but I'm so glad we did. He just wanted his friends over to play/hang out, and that's exactly what they did. They slept in the tent (which Andrew put up by himself), we cooked burgers on the grill, and besides that, they just played. Baseball, capture the flag, wii, and flashlight tag. Oh, and after dinner they had the brilliant idea to give each other spinny rides on the tire swing. J, pictured above was the first to volunteer stating the loved rides, had an iron stomach....well, let's just say our parties rock as - you guessed it, he threw up! Twice. So after that (and a few other kids were still recovering) we banned the spinny rides).

Boys in front of the tent.

Andrew and J (yes, he stayed and felt better after awhile).

Thanks Uncle Chuck, Aunt Rina and Cousins Kyle, Jason and Alex for the awesome hat, and gift card!

Andrew has been saving for 6 months to get an iTouch. Today was the day! His birthday money finally gave him enough to get the gift he has been waiting for. Thanks to everyone who contributed. I took him to the Apple store to get our questions answered, then he decided to purchase it at Target so he could get the $25 gift card they were giving away with it! Smart kid. He used the gift card to buy and iTunes card and has purchased games today. He is having fun with it while I update the blog.

Andrew didn't want a cake, instead he wanted to go to Coldstone Creamery. Here are his crazy siblings saying "cheese".

And our yearly picture with Pooh. Tim bought this for him when he found out we were pregnant! I'll have to find some infant/toddler pictures of him with Pooh and post them.
Happy Birthday will always be my baby!

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