Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pinewood Derby 2010

Here is the main dude and his Wiiiiiiiiii car.

Tim and Andrew in the inspection station. Making sure each car is the proper size, has the proper wheels and doesn't weigh more than 5.0 oz. Then they pass it off to the next Dad who enters the name, number and car name into the computer.

My boy scout, cubmaster and cub scout!

Kendyl was so excited to enter the family race.

Putting her car on the track.

She won 2 of the 3 runs she did, and came in 4th of the 16 cars in the family race!

Waiting patiently at the end for her car. The she expertly would get her car and run back to the beginning to put it back on again. She cried when her turns were over. "I beat boys Daddy". Tim was so proud!
Steven didn't win for speed this year, but we have a feeling (ok, inside knowledge) he will win in the artistic category. Awards are given out at the Blue & Gold Banquet on March 20. I am sworn to secrecy until then!

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